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  • Writer's pictureDean Van Dyke

Your Top 5 Marketing Strategies

Marketing, if done well, can be the lifeblood of a small business. And with the advancement of digital marketing in recent years, now even small companies can compete with large companies in their respective industries. However, in order to be competitive, there are the top five marketing strategies that these small businesses need to employ.

What are the top 5 marketing strategies used by small businesses?

1. SEO – Driving organic growth through search engine optimization.

2. Email Marketing – Direct marketing to customers’ inboxes.

3. Social Media Marketing – Build a brand reputation in the market.

4. Influencer Marketing – Employ credible people to advance your mission.

5. Retargeting – Convert leads into sales.

What is one tactic within the strategy used successfully by small businesses?

It is important to differentiate between the marketing strategies your business uses and the tactics that help achieve the goals associated with those strategies. A tactic used for the SEO strategy, for example, would be to conduct keyword research and then optimize old blog posts and webpages to help drive organic traffic to your website.

How is success determined by the top marketing strategies?

When utilizing these top marketing strategies, it is best to identify key performance indicators, or KPIs. These are metric-driven figures that will allow you to create measurable goals that will help you to determine success.

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